
What does the 2024/25 financial year look like?

As we have just finished the last financial year and are now in the 2025 financial year, it is sometimes good to give a snapshot of what we have seen with our clients at WSC Group.

By David Shaw, CEO & Founder | Created on July 12, 2024

2024 Tax Time: What’s new and what the ATO is looking at closely

Every year the ATO makes changes to their tax returns and announce the key areas that they will be looking into.

By Lindsay Davis, Director | Created on July 5, 2024

CEO Newsletter | June 2024

As we approach the end of the financial year, it's essential for you to be aware of the tax matters that could impact your financial decisions. Here are some key tax considerations to keep in mind before 30 June:

By David Shaw, CEO & Founder | Created on June 19, 2024

Division 293 Tax – what is it? And are you affected?

Division 293 Tax is an additional tax imposed by the Government on high income earners to the normal taxes they pay.

By Todd Hearne, Director | Created on June 11, 2024

Celebrating the Buzz of Business: WSC Group and the Australian Beekeeping Industry

As the world gears up to celebrate National Bee Day on 20 May 2024, it's the perfect time to shine a spotlight on an industry that is as sweet as the product it produces – beekeeping.  In Australia, this industry is not just about producing honey; it's a buzzing business that plays a crucial role in our agriculture and environment.

By Sarah Cox, Director | Created on May 15, 2024


I am pleased to present to you an update on the latest Federal Budget, which has been put together to address the interests and concerns of our property investors and small to medium-sized business clients.

By David Shaw, CEO & Founder | Created on May 15, 2024

Why Purchasing a Property for Your Business Makes Sense: Exploring the Pros and Cons

Running a business requires making numerous critical decisions, and one of the most significant choices entrepreneurs face is whether to rent or buy the property from which they operate.

By Catherine Simons, Director & COO | Created on April 5, 2024

Maximising Your Tax Refund: ATO Update on Deductibility of Construction Loan Interest

Are you one of the savvy investors who has built a new investment property in the last three (3) years? If so, this article is especially relevant to you.

By David Shaw, CEO & Founder | Created on March 26, 2024

Accounting for Income & FBT on Cars

There are two broadly accepted methods for determining when “income” is derived for income tax purposes: the cash basis and the accruals basis.

By Guru Singh, Client Manager | Created on March 11, 2024

Increases to superannuation contributions caps from 1 July 2024

The February 2024 announcement of the AWOTE numbers (Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings) from November 2023 has confirmed that the concessional and non-concessional superannuation contributions caps will rise from 1 July 2024.

By Matt Pack, Director of Financial Planning | Created on February 27, 2024