
The Importance of Audit Shield for Our Clients

By WSC Group | Created on August 27, 2024

The Importance of Audit Shield for Our Clients

In today's ever-evolving financial landscape, the risk of being selected for an audit, inquiry, investigation, review, or examination by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or other government revenue authorities is higher than ever. With the increasing sophistication of data matching and the ATO's unprecedented access to taxpayer records, even the most compliant taxpayers can find themselves under scrutiny.

This is where WSC Group’s Audit Shield service comes into play. Our Audit Shield service provides a cost-effective solution to guard against the unplanned professional fees that can arise from audit activity. Whether you are an individual, a business, or have a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), our Audit Shield service ensures that you are protected from the significant costs associated with being properly represented during an audit.

Why is Audit Shield Important?

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our Audit Shield service covers a wide range of audit activities, including inquiries, investigations, reviews, and examinations of your lodged returns or financial compliance obligations. This means that you can rest assured knowing that our professional fees will be covered, and the necessary accounting and taxation work will be undertaken.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: The cost of being properly represented in matters relating to audit activity can be considerable, depending on the length of time or complexity involved. Our Audit Shield service provides a fixed, cost-effective solution to guard against these unbudgeted costs.

  • Peace of Mind: With our Audit Shield service, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are protected from unexpected tax audit costs. Even a simple inquiry can require hours of work, and the cost of these additional fees can be significant. Our service ensures that you are not left with considerable professional fees if you are selected for audit activity.

  • Tailored Coverage: Our Audit Shield service is available to all our clients, with different levels of cover available for salary and wage earners, businesses with turnover under $100 million, and SMSFs. In most cases, individuals and other family entities can be covered with the business entities at no extra cost.

How to Participate

Participating in our Audit Shield service is simple and optional. If you decide to participate, your cover commences one business day after your payment is received. To learn more about our Audit Shield service and how you can participate, please contact one of our team members.

Our Audit Shield service is an essential tool for protecting yourself from the financial burden of audit activity. With the increasing focus on audits by the ATO and other government revenue authorities, now more than ever, it is crucial to have a reliable and cost-effective solution in place. Don't leave yourself exposed to the risk of unplanned professional fees—take advantage of our Audit Shield service today.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our Audit Shield service, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of audit activity and ensure that you are well-protected.

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