
Pathway to Wealth

With WSC Group COO Catherine Simons and Director of Financial Planning, Matt Pack

May 2024 - Simple steps to financial success, including a Case Study of how to create an additional $1M of wealth over 15-year period.

How to Save your Retirement Plan

With WSC Group CEO & Founder David Shaw and Director of Financial Planning, Matt Pack

With 62% of retirees on the age pension, and with the median super balance for those age 55 to 64 at only $180,000, it is not a surprise that many are concerned about their financial future. We're living in interesting times and, if you're like many of our clients, you're probably wondering how to plan for a successful future.

Self-Managed Superfunds

With WSC Group CEO & Founder David Shaw and Director of Financial Planning, Matt Pack

When it comes to planning for retirement, your super strategy will have a major impact on your savings – and the type of lifestyle you can enjoy down the track. Over the next 30 minutes, we’ll go over the basics of Self Managed Super Funds so you can decide whether it’s the right option for you. We’ll cover:

Benefits of Financial Advice

With WSC Group CEO & Founder David Shaw

No matter what your goals are in life, the future won’t just take care of itself. That’s why it’s so important to plan ahead. By creating your own personal plan for the best, you can put your money to work so you can build the lifestyle of your dreams

Investment Fundamentals

With WSC Group CEO & Founder David Shaw

This recording covers everything you need to know about investing – to help you tailor the right strategy to meet your lifestyle and financial goals. We’ll cover:

Planning For Your Retirement

With WSC Group CEO & Founder David Shaw and Director of Financial Planning, Matt Pack

Preparing to retire can be emotional as you look to a new phase of your life. It means different things to different people. Taking practical steps to make a retirement plan can help you manage your finances, and cope better as your life as priorities change.