By WSC Group | Created on November 2, 2023
Taxpayers who have received a government support grant or payment recently to help their business recover from COVID-19 or a natural disaster should check if they need to include the payment in their assessable income.
By WSC Group | Created on November 2, 2023
Benefit payments to members who have not met a condition of release are not treated as super benefits.
By WSC Group | Created on November 2, 2023
The ATO encourages taxpayers to implement the following four quick steps to protect themselves.
By WSCAdmin | Created on October 5, 2023
Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges business towards energy efficiency. We show you how to maximise the deduction!
By WSCAdmin | Created on October 5, 2023
Treasury has released draft legislation to enact the Government’s plan to increase the tax rate on earnings on superannuation balances above $3m from 15% to 30% from 1 July 2025. This is the final step before the legislation is introduced into Parliament and a step closer to reality.
By WSCAdmin | Created on October 5, 2023
Property investors that choose to utilise their property for short-term stays (or leave it vacant) are firmly in the sights of the regulators.
By WSCAdmin | Created on October 5, 2023
The Australian Taxation Office have released a new draft ruling on self-education expenses. We revisit the deductibility of self-education expenses and what you can and can’t claim.
By WSC Group | Created on September 30, 2023
The ATO reminds rental property owners and their tax agents to take care when lodging their tax returns this tax time.
By WSC Group | Created on September 30, 2023
The ATO advises that Pay as you go (‘PAYG’) instalments are calculated using either the instalment amount method or the instalment rate method.
By WSC Group | Created on September 30, 2023
As from 1 July 2018, individuals with a total superannuation balance of less than $500,000 as at 30 June of the previous income year may be entitled to contribute more than the general concessional contributions cap.
By WSC Group | Created on September 30, 2023
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) recently held that a claim for a deduction for personal super contributions should not be allowed, as the relevant 'notice requirements' were not satisfied.
By WSC Group | Created on September 30, 2023
A Mildura man was recently sentenced in the County Court of Victoria to seven-and-a-half years in prison after obtaining more than $830,000 in fraudulent GST refunds.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
The ATO is giving taxpayers with simple affairs the ‘green light’ to lodge their annual income tax returns.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
What a difference timing makes. A recent case before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is a reminder about the tax impact of the timing of employment income.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) has held that interest income derived by a self-managed superannuation fund (‘SMSF’) as the sole beneficiary of a unit trust was not non-arm’s length income (‘NALI’), and so this income could still be treated as exempt current pension income.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
On a person’s death, their superannuation benefits can only be paid directly to one or more ‘dependants’ as defined for superannuation purposes, unless they are paid to the deceased’s legal personal representative to be distributed in accordance with the deceased’s Will.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
The proposed objective of superannuation released in recently released draft legislation is: ‘to preserve savings to deliver income for a dignified retirement, alongside government support, in an equitable and sustainable way.’
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
What will the Australian community look like in 40 years? We look at the key takeaways from the Intergenerational Report.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
The ATO reminds SMSF trustees that they need to appoint an approved SMSF auditor for each income year, no later than 45 days before they need to lodge their SMSF annual return.
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
$1.7 billion paid out in fraudulent refunds, another $2.7bn in fraudulent claims stopped, around 56,000 alleged perpetrators and over 100 arrests to date. How did the TikTok tax scandal get out of control?
By WSC Group | Created on September 6, 2023
The ATO recently explained how to determine the principal purpose of a car for ‘luxury car tax’ (‘LCT’) purposes (since LCT is not payable on the supply or importation of cars whose principal purpose is the carriage of goods rather than passengers)
By WSC Group | Created on August 10, 2023
There is a psychology to tax refunds that successive Governments have been reticent to tamper with. As a nation, Australia relies heavily on personal and corporate income tax, with personal income tax including taxes on capital gains representing 40% of revenue compared to the OECD average of 24%. And, for the amount we pay, we expect a reward.
By WSC Group | Created on August 10, 2023
What is the end game for your business? Succession is not just a topic for a TV series or billionaire families, it's about successfully transitioning your business and maximising its capital value for you, the owners.
By WSC Group | Created on August 10, 2023
You've got a block of land that's perfect for a subdivision. The details have all been worked out with Council, the builders, and the bank. But one important aspect has been left out; the tax implications.
By WSC Group | Created on August 7, 2023
TPARs are due on 28 August each year and penalties may apply if they are not lodged on time. Taxpayers can help prepare for their TPAR by keeping records of all contractor payments.
By WSC Group | Created on August 7, 2023
Taxpayers who are small business owners operating from home, or who use a vehicle for business purposes, need to be aware of some changes when claiming deductions this tax time, including the following.
By WSC Group | Created on August 7, 2023
Employers may be entitled to claim GST input tax credits for payments they have made to reimburse employees for expenses that are directly related to their business activities.
By WSC Group | Created on August 7, 2023
The downsizer contribution concession was introduced to allow older Australians selling an eligible dwelling to make additional contributions into their superannuation fund.
By WSC Group | Created on August 7, 2023
The downsizer contribution concession was introduced to allow older Australians selling an eligible dwelling to make additional contributions into their superannuation fund.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
It is critically important that all employers review their payroll systems and ensure they are applying the correct rates and Awards.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
The 120% skills and training, and technology costs deduction for small and medium business have passed Parliament. We’ll show you how to take maximise your deductions.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
Businesses that have employees, or hire eligible contractors, will need to ensure that their payroll and accounting systems are updated to reflect the new super guarantee rate of 11% for payments of salary and wages that are made from 1 July 2023.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
The digital games and interactive entertainment sector is the largest creative sector in the world and one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. The global digital games industry is worth around $250 billion and in Australia, grew 22% between 2020 and 2021 generating $226.5 million in income and employing over 1,300 fulltime workers. And it’s an industry the Government wants to support with a new tax offset.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
The ATO reminds taxpayers that an SMSF must pay a minimum amount each year to a member who is receiving a pension that commenced on or after 20 September 2007 (e.g., account based pensions). If the minimum payment is not made by 30 June, this can result in adverse taxation consequences for the member
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
The Federal Court has found that four companies that are or were part of the AMP Group breached the law when charging life insurance premiums and advice fees from the superannuation accounts of more than 2,000 deceased customers.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
The ATO advises taxpayers that, if they or an associate take a loan from their private company, they should not forget the requirements of repaying a private company loan for income tax purposes. Otherwise, they could find the loan treated as a Division 7A deemed dividend and included in their, or their associates', assessable income.
By WSC Group | Created on July 4, 2023
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) has held that tuition fees for a public policy master’s course were not deductible, on the basis that the course did not relate to the taxpayer's work as a music teacher.
By WSC Group | Created on June 7, 2023
The ATO will acquire ride sourcing data relating to approximately 200,000 individuals to identify individuals that may be engaged in providing ride sourcing services during the 2022/23 financial year.
By WSC Group | Created on June 7, 2023
Editor: A recent ATO article highlights the fact that it is increasingly trying to bring more modern techniques of money-making into its tax net . . .
By WSC Group | Created on June 7, 2023
On 9 May 2023, Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down the 2023/24 Federal Budget.
By WSC Group | Created on June 7, 2023
Within these areas, we have identified common mistakes, and are particularly focused on addressing these and supporting taxpayers and registered tax agents to get their claims right this year.
By WSC Group | Created on June 7, 2023
The ATO has advised that, in the lead up to 30 June, trustee clients who wish to make beneficiaries presently entitled to trust income for the 2023 income year should ensure their trustee resolutions are effective.
By WSC Group | Created on May 10, 2023
The explosion of Only Fans, YouTubers, TikTokers and others all offer an opportunity for ‘content creators’ to profit from the audiences they generate. But now the Tax Office has given notice to the booming industry.
By WSC Group | Created on May 10, 2023
In a pre-Budget announcement, the Government has committed to a Small Business Energy Incentive Scheme that offers a bonus tax deduction of up to $20,000.
By WSC Group | Created on May 10, 2023
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a full-on assault on rental property owners who incorrectly report income and expenses.
By WSC Group | Created on April 20, 2023
A friend’s accountant suggested that they could reduce interest on non-deductible debt by using company cash to offset their personal mortgage, then transferring the cash back by 30 June. Is this an acceptable strategy?
By WSC Group | Created on April 20, 2023
Employers are reminded that the SG obligation for the 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 quarter is due by 28 April 2023.
By WSC Group | Created on April 20, 2023
From 1 July 2023, access to the Government’s Home Guarantee Scheme will be expanded to joint applications from “friends, siblings, and other family members” and to those who have not owned a home for at least 10 years.
By WSC Group | Created on April 20, 2023
If you have a study and training loan balance (e.g., a HELP debt), it may be worthwhile to consider methods of reducing the balance to ensure you are not left with a large tax bill when your 2023 income tax return is lodged.
By WSC Group | Created on April 20, 2023
The 2023 FBT year ended on 31 March, so it is now time for employers to get ready to lodge their 2023 FBT returns, where they have provided benefits to their employees (or their associates) between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.
By WSC Group | Created on April 20, 2023
The Government has announced that it will enshrine a right to superannuation payments in the National Employment Standards (NES).
By WSC Group | Created on April 19, 2023
From 1 July 2023, a new reporting regime will require platforms that enable taxi services including ride sourcing, and short-term accommodation to report their transactions to the ATO each year. From 1 July 2024, the regime will expand to include all other platforms.
By WSC Group | Created on April 19, 2023
The 2023-24 Federal Budget will be released on Tuesday, 9 May 2023. Look out for our update the next day on the important issues to you, your superannuation and your business.
By WSC Group | Created on April 19, 2023
Just in time for the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year that started on 1 April, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released new details on electric vehicles.
By WSC Group | Created on April 19, 2023
When you start up a business, inevitably, it consumes not just a lot of time but a lot of cash and much of this is money you have already paid tax on. So, it only seems fair that when the business is up and running the business can pay you back. Right?
By WSC Group | Created on April 19, 2023
Earn-out clauses for the sale of a business are increasingly common. We look at the positives and negatives that every business owner should consider.
By WSC Group | Created on April 19, 2023
The Government recently announced it will be imposing a 15% additional tax on individuals that have more than $3 million in superannuation. The new measure is expected to commence from 1 July 2025 (i.e., the start of the 2026 income year).
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
Expenses Before 1 July 2022, an individual taxpayer that incurred additional deductible expenses as a result of working from home, had a choice of three methods to claim these expenses.
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
A consultation paper released by Treasury has sparked a national debate about the role, purpose and access to superannuation ahead of the 2023-24 Federal Budget.
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
A raft of enforcement activity has been undertaken across the country by the ATO-led Serious Financial Crime Taskforce, including the execution of search warrants and issuing of warning letters.
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
The Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends on 31 March 2023. If you operate a business
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
Taxpayers claiming deductions on holiday homes are in the ATO’s sights.
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
An individual’s transfer balance cap (‘TBC’) determines the maximum amount they can commit to a retirement phase interest in their super fund,
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
The general transfer balance cap (TBC) – the amount of money you can potentially hold in a tax-free retirement account, will increase by $200,000 on 1 July 2023 to $1.9 million.
By WSC Group | Created on March 3, 2023
The Government has announced that from 2025‑26, the 15% concessional tax rate applied to future earnings for superannuation balances above $3 million will increase to 30%.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
If you have an SMSF with a total balance of less than $1 million, from 1 July 2023 you will need to report quarterly to the ATO instead of annually. Previously,
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
The ATO has released its final position on how it will apply some integrity rules dealing with trust distributions - changing the goal posts for trusts distributing to adult children, corporate beneficiaries, and entities with losses.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
In a volatile market, keeping to a strategy, or let’s face it creating one, can be tough.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
From 1 January 2023, those 55 and over can make a ‘downsizer’ contribution to superannuation.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
Not being paranoid or anything but we were curious about the skills of the latest innovation to take the world by storm, ChatGPT, and its ability to work with the Australian tax system.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
In another recent legislative change, the eligibility age to make a downsizer contribution into superannuation has been reduced to 55 from 1 January 2023.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has held that a builder was unable to receive a refund of GST incorrectly charged on the sale of a residential premises that had been rented for just over five years since construction was complete.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
Legislation to make certain electric vehicles exempt from Fringe Benefits Tax (‘FBT’) has now been enacted into law.
By WSC Group | Created on February 13, 2023
A reminder to employers that their December 2022 superannuation guarantee (‘SG’) contributions were due by 28 January 2023.
By WSC Group | Created on December 13, 2022
The ATO has reminded taxpayers that they should understand the record-keeping requirements for their business and keep accurate and complete records as they occur