
January 2022 - CEO Message

By David Shaw, CEO and Founder of WSC Group | Created on January 17, 2022

New Year, new me

As we peek into the fresh new year ahead, many of us like to set ourselves some form of ‘New Year’s Resolutions’. We set ourselves constructive goals which reflect some aspect of our lives that we are inspired to change for the better.

These may include lifestyle goals such as “I aim to walk 10kms everyday” or “I will add more vegetables to my meals”. These are great lifestyle changes that we should all aspire to achieve, but have you ever considered setting yourself financial planning goals?

We’re not talking about the general:

“I want to be out of debt for 2022’

This is too broad and unsustainable to maintain in your day-to-day life. Instead, we are more so referring to goals that are both attainable and measurable. These kinds of goals look a little something like this:

“I want to pay down $1,000 of my non-deductible debt each month”.

Can you spot the difference?

This is an example of a SMART goal. That is, a goal which is:

Time - bound

These SMART goals create a great foundation to work off, where you may periodically reflect upon them and make slight adjustments that are more relevant and achievable for you.

In addition to setting SMART goals, it is invaluable to have a team behind you cheering you on and supporting you along your journey. WSC Group and its team of accountants, financial planners, and network of lending specialists are always available to discuss with you your financial goals for the 2022 year. Meet with us during January and February while you are ready to kickstart your year with a fresh outlook and deep understanding of your financial aspirations.

If you have an important milestone coming up, whether it be loans coming out of fixed rates, needing to purchase a new car, or even as the shape of your family is changing; it is important to strategically plan your goals for the new year with our experienced team.

We are here to help you to be SMART in the new year and assist you in making the right financial decisions for your personal circumstance.

If you would like to meet with one of our team members to give you clarity on your financial planning goals, please contact us on 1300 365 125 or email info@wscgroup.com.au

We wish you all a safe and prosperous 2022 and are looking forward to catching up with you in the coming months.

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