
Happy New Financial Year!

By WSCAdmin | Created on July 13, 2017

Goals for 2018 Financial Year

Traditionally, people set goals for themselves at the start of a new calendar year. However, during our 2017 tax planning meetings with clients during May and June, we discussedwith them what their strategic goals are for the new financial year. For many clients this included assisting them set a budget for the coming financial year as well as setting some business growth or personal wealth growth milestones.

Goals are important for any successful business or individual as they give you focus and take you out of the day-to-day operational haze. They force you to pause, plan, think strategically and challenge you to grow and step out of your comfort zone and unleash your full potential.

A goal can be broken up into three components: the “What”, the “Why” and the “How”:

  • The “What” is the goal, which provides direction
  • The “Why” is the set of personal benefits to help you gain clarity and allow you to reach your goals
  • The “How” is the map to guide you in reaching your goal

When setting goals it is important to ensure that they are SMART goals:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Attainable

R – Relevant

T – Time-bound

Finally, write down your goals and make time to review them frequently!

WSC Group and its team of property tax experts, strategic business advisors, financial planners and lending managers are always available to discuss with you your financial goals for the 2018 financial year and to give you confidence that your “How” (map) is on the right track to meeting your “What” (goal).

We look forward to catching up with you all during this coming tax season and assisting you set and achieve your goals for the coming financial year. We are part of your team and are here to help you make the right financial decision for you.

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